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Англо-русский строительный словарь - swing


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Перевод с английского языка swing на русский

качание; колебание вращение; поворот (вокруг вертикальной оси) in full swing temperature swing
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  1) качание; качаться 2) удвоенный размах амплитуды 3) полоса качания частоты 4) многоступенчатое переключение напряжения питания – amplitude swing – carrier swing – frequency swing – grid swing – signal swing – three-step power swing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) амплитуда 2) взмах 3) качание 4) качать 5) качающийся 6) качель 7) колебание 8) колебать 9) махать 10) поворачиваться 11) разгар 12) размах 13) раскачиваться 14) сворачивать 15) списывать 16) шарнирный angle of swing of boom — угол поворота стрелы swing filter out of beam — выводить светофильтр из пути луча swing out of the way — откидывать в сторону swing section of wing — консоль крыла swing slit out of beam — выводить щель из луча swing windwheel out of wind — выводить ветроколесо из-под ветра - compass swing - grid swing - off-scale swing - swing bolt - swing bridge - swing compass - swing frame - swing saw - swing screw - swing valve - swing wing ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) колебание, резкое колебание 2) неожиданное скачкообразное движение конъюнктуры - swing change - swing in production 2. гл. 1) колебаться 2) менять направление 3) поворачиваться 4) амер. управлять 5) направлять 6) успешно проводить - swing an election - swing the balance of payment out of deficit - swing the market ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  размах, взмах; рывок (хвостом) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  свинг Вид джазовой jazz танцевальной музыки, исполняемой большим джаз-оркестром jazz band. Впервые появился в начале 1920-х. В его создании участвовали руководитель джаза и аранжировщик Ф. Хендерсон Henderson, Fletcher, Дюк Эллингтон Ellington, Edward Kennedy и позднее Каунт Бейси Basie, William Count. Они создавали аранжировки музыкальных пьес для своих оркестров, состоявших первоначально из 10-12 музыкантов, разделяя оркестр на ритм-группу (рояль, гитара, контрабас и ударные) и мелодическую группу (саксофон и духовые инструменты), исполнявшую импровизации. В 1935 всеобщего признания добился Бенни Гудман Goodman, Benny, прозванный "королем свинга" "The King of Swing". В оркестре Б. Гудмана впервые появились и белые музыканты. Свинг господствовал на эстраде вплоть до 1945. Среди самых популярных музыкальных коллективов, работавших в этом стиле, был оркестр Гленна Миллера Miller, Glenn, состоявший из белых музыкантов; не меньшим успехом пользовались и негритянские оркестры Каунта Бейси, Дюка Эллингтона и другие. Интерес к свингу упал в конце 1940-х ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. качание; колебание the swing of the pendulum —- качание маятника on the swing —- качаясь to give the hammock a swing —- раскачать гамак 2. колебание; поворот, изменение the swing of the tides —- чередование (смена) приливов и отливов a sudden swing of public opinion —- резкое изменение общественного мнения the swing of the pendulum —- взлеты и спады; чередование успехов и неудач; полит. чередование стоящих у власти партий 3. размах, взмах the horse drove off flies with the swing of his tail —- конь отогнал мух взмахом хвоста 4. спорт. мах; замах arm swing —- мах рукой obtained swing —- выработанный мах that player's swing is too short —- у этого игрока слишком короткий замах swing mount —- наскок махом 5. физ. размах, амплитуда качания 6. (тк. в ед. ч.) мерное, ритмичное движение; непринужденная походка to walk with a swing —- идти ритмичным шагом (непринужденной походкой) 7. (тк. в ед. ч.) ритм 8. качели to sit in a swing —- сидеть на качелях 9. поворот to give the handle a swing —- повернуть ручку the car started up at the first swing —- машина завелась с первого раза 10. ход, развитие in full swing —- в полном разгаре negotiations are now in full swing —- переговоры идут теперь полным ходом the train approached at full swing —- поезд приближался на всех парах to get into the swing of the work —- войти в курс дела; включиться в ритм работы when you have got into the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) качание; колебание; the swing of the pendulum - see pendulum  1.  1) ; a swing of public opinion - изменение общественного мнения  2) размах; взмах; ход; in full swing - в полном разгаре; to give full swing to smth. - дать волю чему-л.  3) естественный ход; let it have its swing - пусть исчерпает свой запас энергии  4) свобода действий; he gave us a full swing in the matter - в этом деле он предоставил нам полную свободу действий  5) ритм  6) мерная, ритмичная походка  7) качели  8) поворот  9) phys. амплитуда качания  10) tech. максимальное отклонение стрелки (прибора)  11) свинг (в боксе)  12) = swing music to go with a swing - идти как по маслу what you lose on the swings you make up on the roundabouts - потери в одном возмещаются выигрышем в другом Syn: see jazz  2. v.  1) качать(ся), колебать(ся); размахивать; to swing a bell - раскачивать колокол; to swing ones legs - болтать ногами; to swing ones arms - размахивать руками  2) вешать, подвешивать; coll. быть повешенным; he shall swing for it coll. - его повесят за это  3) вертеть(ся); поворачивать(ся); to swing into line naut. - заходить в линию, вступать в строй; to swing a ship about - поворачивать судно; to swing open - распахиваться; to swing shut/to - захлопываться  4) идти мерным шагом  5) amer. успешно провести (что-л.)  6) исполнять джазовую музыку в стиле суинга - swing at - swing round to swing the...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) колебание; качание; раскачивание колебаться; качаться; раскачиваться 2) размах; удвоенная амплитуда 3) машиностр. наибольший диаметр (обрабатываемого изделия) 4) наибольшее расстояние (между центрами станка) 5) полоса качания частоты 6) мгновенное отклонение (амплитуды) 7) мгновенная девиация (частоты) 8) качательное движение, прокачка (гребёнки основовязальной машины) swings in electricity demand — изменения электропотребления - swing of insulator string - amplitude swing - back swing - current swing - frequency swing - load swing - logic swing - phase swing - power swings - power-factor swing - ring backward swing - ring forward swing - signal swing - voltage swing ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past and past part. swung) 1 intr. & tr. move or cause to move with a to-and-fro or curving motion, as of an object attached at one end and hanging free at the other. 2 intr. & tr. a sway. b hang so as to be free to sway. c oscillate or cause to oscillate. 3 intr. & tr. revolve or cause to revolve. 4 intr. move by gripping something and leaping etc. (swung from tree to tree). 5 intr. go with a swinging gait (swung out of the room). 6 intr. (foll. by round) move round to the opposite direction. 7 intr. change from one opinion or mood to another. 8 intr. (foll. by at) attempt to hit or punch. 9 a intr. (also swing it) play music with a swing rhythm. b tr. play (a tune) with swing. 10 intr. colloq. a be lively or up to date; enjoy oneself. b be promiscuous. 11 intr. colloq. (of a party etc.) be lively, successful, etc. 12 tr. have a decisive influence on (esp. voting etc.). 13 tr. colloq. deal with or achieve; manage. 14 intr. colloq. be executed by hanging. 15 Cricket a intr. (of the ball) deviate from a straight course in the air. b tr. cause (the ball) to do this. --n. 1 the act or an instance of swinging. 2 the motion of swinging. 3 the extent of swinging. 4 a swinging or smooth gait or rhythm or action. 5 a a seat slung by ropes or chains etc. for swinging on or in. b a spell of swinging on this. 6 an easy but vigorous continued action. 7 a jazz or dance music with an easy flowing rhythm. b the rhythmic feeling or drive of this music. 8 a discernible change in opinion, esp. the amount by which votes or points scored etc. change from one side to another. Phrases and idioms swing-boat a boat-shaped swing at fairs. swing-bridge a bridge that can be swung to one side to allow the passage of ships. swing-door a door able to open in either direction and close itself when released. swing the lead Brit. colloq. malinger; shirk one's duty. swings and roundabouts a situation affording no eventual gain or loss (from the phr. lose on the swings what you make on the roundabouts). swing shift US a work shift from...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (swung; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, to beat, fling, hurl, rush, from Old English ~an to beat, fling oneself, rush; akin to Old High German ~an to fling, rush  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to move vigorously through a wide arc or circle ~ an ax  b. to cause to sway to and fro  c.  (1) to cause to turn on an axis  (2) to cause to face or move in another direction ~ the car into a side road  2. to suspend so as to permit swaying or turning  3. to convey by suspension cranes ~ing cargo into the ship's hold  4.  a.  (1) to influence decisively ~ a lot of votes  (2) to bring around by influence  b. to handle successfully ; manage wasn't able to ~ a new car on his income ~ a deal  5. to play or sing (as a melody) in the style of ~ music  intransitive verb  1. to move freely to and fro especially in suspension from an overhead support  2.  a. to die by hanging  b. to hang freely from a support  3. to move in or describe a circle or arc:  a. to turn on a hinge or pivot  b. to turn in place  c. to convey oneself by grasping a fixed support ~ aboard the train  4.  a. to have a steady pulsing rhythm  b. to play or sing with a lively compelling rhythm; specifically to play ~ music  5. to shift or fluctuate from one condition, form, position, or object of attention or favor to another ~ constantly from optimism to pessimism and back — Sinclair Lewis  6.  a. to move along rhythmically  b. to start up in a smooth vigorous manner ready to ~ into action  7. to hit or aim at something with a sweeping arm movement  8.  a. to be lively, exciting, and up-to-date  b. to engage freely in sex Synonyms:  ~, wave, flourish, brandish, thrash mean to wield or cause to move to and fro or up and down. ~ implies regular or uniform movement ~ the rope back and forth. wave usually implies smooth or continuous motion waving the flag. flourish suggests vigorous, ostentatious, graceful movement flourished the winning lottery ticket. brandish implies...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (swings, swinging, swung) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something swings or if you swing it, it moves repeatedly backwards and forwards or from side to side from a fixed point. The sail of the little boat swung crazily from one side to the other... She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck... Ian lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg swinging. VERB: V adv/prep, V n, V-ing • Swing is also a noun. ...a woman in a tight red dress, walking with a slight swing to her hips. N-COUNT: usu with supp 2. If something swings in a particular direction or if you swing it in that direction, it moves in that direction with a smooth, curving movement. The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching... The canoe found the current and swung around... Roy swung his legs carefully off the couch and sat up. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv, V n prep/adv • Swing is also a noun. When he’s not on the tennis court, you’ll find him practising his golf swing. N-COUNT 3. If a vehicle swings in a particular direction, or if the driver swings it in a particular direction, they turn suddenly in that direction. Joanna swung back on to the main approach and headed for the airport... The tyres dug into the grit as he swung the car off the road. VERB: V adv/prep, V n prep/adv 4. If someone swings around, they turn around quickly, usually because they are surprised. She swung around to him, spilling her tea without noticing it. VERB: V adv 5. If you swing at a person or thing, you try to hit them with your arm or with something that you are holding. Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed... I picked up his baseball bat and swung at the man’s head. VERB: V at n, V at n • Swing is also a noun. I often want to take a swing at someone to relieve my feelings. = swipe N-COUNT 6. A swing is a seat hanging by two ropes or chains from a metal frame or from the branch of...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense and past participle swung, 1 »MOVE BACKWARDS/FORWARDS« to move backwards and forwards hanging from a fixed point, or to make something do this  (a sign swinging in the wind | The soldiers swung their arms as they marched.) 2 »MOVE IN A CURVE« I always + adv/prep, T always + adv/prep to move quickly in a smooth curve, or to make something move like this  (The heavy gates swung shut. | swing sth through/into etc sth)  (She swung the car into the drive. | Bradley swung himself up into the saddle.) 3 »CHANGE« if emotions or opinions swing or something swings them, they change quickly to the opposite of what they were  (His mood could swing suddenly from great joy to complete despair.) 4 »SWING IT« informal to make special arrangements for something to happen, especially something that is not usually allowed  (I'll see if I can swing it so my wife can come on that business trip with me.) 5 »PLAY« to sit on a swing2 (1) and make it move backwards and forwards by bending and unbending your legs  (The girl swung higher and higher.) 6 swing for sth old-fashioned to be killed by hanging (hang1 (3)) as a punishment for a crime 7 swing both ways informal to be bisexual 8 the swinging sixties the years 1960 to 1969, thought of as a time when there was an increase in social and sexual freedom 9 swing the lead BrE old-fashioned to avoid doing your work or duty, especially by pretending to be ill  (- see also no room to swing a cat room1 (2)) swing around/round phr v 1 to turn around quickly or make something turn around quickly, to face in the opposite direction  (He swung around and yelled "that's a damn lie!" | swing sth around/round)  (In seconds they had swung the big gun around.) 2 if a wind swings around it changed direction suddenly and quickly  (The wind swung round to the North-East.) swing by phr v AmE informal to visit a place or person for a short time, usually for a particular purpose  (swing by sth)  (I'll swing by the grocery store on my way home.) ~2 n 1 »SEAT WITH ROPES« a seat hanging...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. swingan "to rush, fling oneself," from P.Gmc. *swenganan, denoting "violent circulatory motion." The meaning "move freely back and forth" is first recorded 1545. The noun meaning "an apparatus that swings" is first recorded 1687. In full swing is probably from bell-ringing. The meaning "variety of big dance-band music with a swinging rhythm" is first recorded 1933, though the sense has been traced back to 1888; its heyday was from mid-30s to mid-40s. Swinging "uninhibited" dates from 1958; and swinger "person who is lively in an unrestrained way" is from 1965. Both had various other slang senses traceable to 1590s. Swing shift first recorded 1941, typically 4 p.m. to midnight. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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